Devon Chimney Sweep by ProSweep

Dependable Affordable Reliable

ProSweep are Devon Chimney Sweeps who are Trading Standards Buy With Confidence approved and operate to their strict code of practice. As your Devon Chimney Sweep we  use both  traditional brushes and the latest rotary sweeping system technology, We have a specialist commercial  vacuum cleaner with a triple HEPA filtration system, preventing any soot, dust, or fumes from entering the room. Lined flues can also be swept using a viper system when appropriate.

chimney sweep prosweep professional

Dependable Affordable Reliable

ProSweep Devon Chimney Sweep have built up a good reputation on doing a good job for a fair price. All carpets and furnishings are covered and the fireplace area is sealed to ensure your room is left as clean as when I arrived. Typically it takes approximately 45 minutes to sweep a chimney. All work is completed from the base of the chimney meaning roof access is not required.

buy With Confidence logo ProSweep Chimney Sweep

Dependable Affordable Reliable

We offer free advice and can often suggest a cost effective solution to any chimney problems you may have. ProSweep work full time as a Chimney Sweep and only sweep, smoke test and inspect chimneys, we do not sell or install stoves or flue liners, this ensures that any advice we give is truly unbiased and impartial.

burn right

Dependable Affordable Reliable

An annual chimney sweep is essential to ensure the flue is clean and  free from any obstructions such as birds nests or other blockages. A clean chimney allows fumes and gases to travel up the chimney safely, reducing the risk of a chimney fire or soot fall.

ProSweep Professional Chimney Sweep is approved by Devon Trading Standards Buy With Confidence offering a professional and personal chimney sweep & stove flue service in Newton Abbot, Torquay, Dawlish, Teignmouth, Bovey Tracey, Chagford and surrounding towns and villages.