Keep it clean
A clean chimney can help prevent fires and structural damage to your property. Regular cleaning of your chimney or flues will eliminate the build up of soot and clear obstructions such as bird or animal nests, leaves and debris. You will also reduce emissions into the atmosphere by assisting the complete combustion of the fuel.
It is not sufficient to use a vacuum cleaner and you should ensure your chimney flue is inspected regularly to prevent fires breaking out. Remember that fire guards can prevent serious injury or death and spark guards can prevent a serious fire.
Chimneys should be swept:
- at least once a year when using smokeless fuels
- at least once a year when using bituminous coal
- every three months when using wood
- once a year when using oil
- once a year when using gas.
Make sure you are not at risk from carbon monoxide poisoning by having appliances installed and serviced by competent engineers, never block air bricks, vents or flues and fit a carbon monoxide detector.
- Don’t use flammable liquids such as petrol or paraffin to light your fire.
- Don’t burn paper or rubbish.
- Do not overload the fire with fuel.
- Go into the loft occasionally, when the fire is alight, to check for smoke from cracks, defective brickwork or mortar joints.
If a chimney fire happens:
- Leave the room, close the door and alert other people in the house
- Get out of the house, call 999 and ask for the fire & rescue service
- Stay out until the fire and rescue service arrive.
Always ensure you have a working smoke alarm in your property.
Most common causes of chimney fires
The most common causes of chimney fires are:
- Improper appliance sizing
- Burning unseasoned wet wood
- Infrequent sweeping and cleaning
- Overnight burning or smouldering wood for long periods in wood stoves
Booking a professional sweep has never been easier.
And the cost of a regular sweep is less than the price of a pint in your local once every month!
So, please don’t become one of the many that have a chimney fire and find their insurance company refuse to pay out because ther chimney had not been swept in the last 12 months ( or more frequently if thatched)