If you are here looking for a Chimney Sweep who be the answer to your chimney sweeping needs and keep you and your family safe, we think you have come to the right space, ProSweep have built up a reputation based on being Dependable, Affordable and Reliable.
Read more →Why ProSweep recommend fitting a flexible flue liner to all stove installations. An open fire can burn at 10 K/W with only a 20% efficiency – meaning 80 % or 8K/W of heat is escaping out of your home and keeping the chimney warm and keeping the
Read more →ProSweep Chimney Fire Safety Keep it clean A clean chimney can help prevent fires and structural damage to your property. Regular cleaning of your chimney or flues will eliminate the build up of soot and clear obstructions such as bird or animal nests, leaves and debris. You
Read more →Chimney Sweeping Time It’s mid August and I’m seeing a very big swing by home owners to getting their chimneys and stoves cleaned, earlier than previous years. Remember we are approved by Devon Trading Standards so you can be confident to have the best chimney clean possible. Call me soon
Read more →Replacing Door seal All air-controlled appliances have a method of reducing random leaks into the firebox so that air only enters the stove through the air control. Virtually all modern wood –burning stoves use a fire rope around the doors to seal them. Some ash pan doors
Read more →Safety advice for chimneys Every year Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service attend hundreds of chimney fires which cost £250,000 a year. You can help us reduce this amount by reading the following safety advice to help you reduce the risk of your chimney catching fire.
Read more →A Simple Wood Burning Guide If you have difficulty getting a fire started in your fireplace or if you don’t know how to burn fires that produce the amount of heat you want, this simple guide for wood burning is for you. Improving your wood burning skills
Read more →Safety advice for chimneys Every year Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service attend hundreds of chimney fires which cost over £250,000 a year. ProSweep fully endorse the advice given by Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service below. You can help reduce the amount of chimney fires
Read more →With the prices of fuel continuing to increase year on year multi fuel stoves are increasing in popularity and each year we are seeing more and more open fires being taken out to be replaced with a stove, whilst we do not sell or supply stoves we
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