I’m busier than ever and I’m sure it’s down to current energy bills that keep rising and we’re all desperate to hold off putting the heating on to keep warm
I regularly get asked about stove installations (which I don’t do, so I can offer truly independent advice), and about what sort of wood can be burned so I thought it was worth a post.️
I want, more than anything, to ensure that before anyone uses any fire, they’re safe and ready to go. It is absolutely, essential to get your Chimney swept and ensure you have a working Carbon Monoxide alarm!
The next point that needs a mention is the types of wood you’re asking about burning, E.g. fence panels, old furniture and pallets Please don’t!

I appreciate you’ll have to do whatever you need to, to keep your homes warm but, please be mindful that wood that’s treated with preservatives such as creosote or a variety of varnish, stains and treatments can be a very bad idea and harmful to you in the household This wood is not suitable for burning and could potentially give off dangerous fumes or burn at a much higher temperatures than your stove can support, causing it to warp or even crack!
In the interests of your safety we would advise you to burn only dry wood, whether this wood is kiln dried or properly air dried does not matter. As long as you wood is below 20 % moisture it is good to burn. What about seasoned wood I hear you say, in my opinion this just confuses the issue: the only question you need to ask is it dry? Not how long has it been stores.
If you need advice I’m always happy to try and point you in the right direction or if you would like to book a sweep give me a call on 01626 832051 or book online www.prosweepdevon.co.uk.