Summer time chimney sweep

‘Sweep it – and keep safe’ is the message from ProSweep your professional chimney sweep. As householders across Devon; like the rest of the country, adopt solid fuel fires as a source of heating their homes, we are keen to educate people how to safely maintain their

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 UK Government’s 2023 Environment plan does not ban wood burning stoves Following the recent publication of the UK Government’s 2023 Environment Plan, there has been some confusion and misinformation surrounding domestic wood burning. However, we can confirm that wood burning stoves are not going to be

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Are Wood- burners going to be banned?

The UK Government recently released its updated Environment Improvement Plan for 2023, which takes a closer look at the 25 Year Environment Plan. The new plan outlines the government’s efforts to improve the environment, and one of the key points it addresses is the issue of domestic

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Top Down Method of Lighting a Fire

The top down firelighting method. The traditional method of firelighting has been around for centuries, but advancements in technology have allowed for the evolution of the process. With more efficient wood burners, less heat is lost up the chimney and more is radiated into the room. The

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Busier than ever!!

I’m busier than ever and I’m sure it’s down to current energy bills that keep rising and we’re all desperate to hold off putting the heating on to keep warm  I regularly get asked about stove installations (which I don’t do, so I can offer truly independent

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Pre Christmas rush

Well, the pre-Christmas rush was absolutely manic this year! The phones were ringing off the hook along with emails coming through at all times of the day or night, with people desperate to have their chimneys swept in time for Christmas –we worked to the full to

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