January Chimney Sweep

Christmas has come and gone, the New Year is around the corner but are you ready for winter when it arrives. Before it gets too cold and its too late book your chimney sweep now . Call 01626 832051 NOW

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Home Fire Safety Checks

Safety in the home Don’t let yourself or your loved ones be the next victim of fire. Follow our simple steps and reduce the risk. 1  Fit a working smoke alarm – 2  Take care when cooking and never leave cooking food unattended – 3  Plan and

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Christmas Chimney Sweep

If like many you would like to have the joy of an open fire over Christmas and this is the only time of year you light it, please make sure you have it swept beforehand. You may not have used it since last year but do you

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The Sweep’s Toolkit

The Sweep’s Toolkit The other day one a “sweep”was called out to a customer’s home to sweep his multi-fuel stove. The customer had a blockage in the flue pipe and the sweep he’d called were forced to admit that they didn’t have the right tools for the

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Chudleigh Chimney Sweep Are You looking for a Chimney Sweep in Chudleigh?Why Choose ProSweep as your Chudleigh chimney sweep? We provide a friendly, professional, family run service. We are fully Insured. A Certificate of sweeping will be issued upon completion. We sweep traditionally with rods, brushes &

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ProSweep Devons Best Chimney Clean

ProSweep- Devon’s best professional chimney sweeps are sweeping 6 days a week! Please feel free to contact ProSweep at any time, we are in the office most evening until 7.30 pm and we are also available to take chimney sweep bookings 6 days a week! Leave a

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Valiant stove thermometer

The  Valliant stove thermometer is a temperature indicator tool that at a glance will tell you if your stove is burning at an efficient temperature. What I love is the simplicity; it has a thermal expansion coil that affects the needle as your stove warms up which

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The start of a busy season

This September we envisage the start of a very busy season with the previous long drawn out winter and a cold wet summer saw us all using our stoves and open fires for a much longer period than normal.Even sweeping in august I had some customers still

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