Spring is best time to have your chimney swept. Why wait until later in the year? To book a convenient appointment, please call today. Take advantage of the warm and dry early summer months and put your annual chimney sweep on your to-do list! While some
Read more →Tips and Tricks for Drying Wood Like a Pro As a Devon Chimney Sweep, ProSweep are often asked about drying wood and whether it is worth it. I thought I would impart my wisdom in a written form, so please share far and wide! If you own
Read more →There’s nothing more despairing than the sound of firewood ‘hissing’ on a fire. If you hear that, it is a sign that the wood you are trying to burn could have excessive moisture content. Above 30% water content, water bubbles can be noticed escaping from the end
Read more →With their increasing popularity over recent years, wood burners are fast becoming the must have home trend; even homes without chimneys can get in on the action too. But is there a possible fly in the ointment in the shape of Michael Gove, Secretary of State for
Read more →What is really happening with Wood Burners? The truth behind the headlines. Wood burners are not being banned. You can buy a new wood burner or keep using your old one. New wood burners that are ECO DESIGN 2022 compliant are the cleanest and most efficient they
Read more →Are you worried the government is planning to ban log burners and multi-fuel stoves? Don’t be. The Clean Air Strategy, published this week, sets out the government’s plans to educate consumers and introduce measures that will make sure people who already own a stove burn cleaner fuels
Read more →Well, for us here at ProSweep the Christmas rush was absolutely manic! The phone was ringing off the hook with people desperate to have their chimneys swept in time for Christmas – of course we worked to the max to try and fit everyone in. We were
Read more →Stay safe during the festive period. Follow our 12 days of Christmas Top Tips: 1st day of Christmas Check indoor and outdoor Christmas lights conform to the British Standard. Always use a residual current device (safety device that can save lives by instantly switching off power) on
Read more →Do you burn wood on your stove at home? Please take your time to read the following short article it could well save you £1000’s Does the door glass on your stove tar or black up frequently? If the answer is yes, you may have a
Read more →5 widely held but false ideas people will tell you about wood-burning stoves Lie number 1- I have a multi-fuel stove so I can burn house coal. The fact is: You should only burn smokeless coal on a multi-fuel stove. House coal will create too much
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